The Autistic Society of Trinidad and Tobago (ASTT) held its AGM on Saturday 21st November, where members of its executive committee for 2015-2017 were elected and installed into office. The Secretary presented a detailed report outlining ASTT’s achievements during the past year, including its annual Autism Walk, therapeutic camps and Autiegraph campaign. The Treasurer presented the audited accounts of ASTT.
Eight of the nine members of the executive committee are parents of children and adults with autism. Front row from left: Alicia Mohamid (executive member); Ms. Alicia Mohammed, Elections Officer from the Ministry of Community Development, Culture and the Arts; and President of ASTT, Teresina Sieunarine.
Middle row from left: Vice President Gina Mohammed; PRO Sarah Soo Hon; Secretary Halena Kong Ting; and Karen Mohammed (executive member).
Back row from left: Denanath Dalipram (executive member); Treasurer RoseAnna Trestrail; General Manager Nichol Alves; and Catherine Simonet (executive member).